Thursday, July 28, 2016


Sustainability is needed in processes. Sustainability which can drive that what you now design and make is strong enough to survive over the period of time that it can serve and do justice till it is needed in the world. Sustainability which can be from holistic processes and procedures and policies which can be enforceable, feasible and efficient. Be they in the business, economic, developmental or societal and human sphere of activity. 
When something is designed and it has within it the seeds to outshine and to grow and develop and evolve like a giant oak tree, it has the features of endurance, durability, resilience and strength and also more importantly the attributes of flexibility and adaptability. These qualities make a thing great. Learning qualities, which help that thing to be incorruptible and driven to outlast the vicissitudes of change and attrition. 
When we are in the process of designing such policies and solutions we must endeavour to bring to our designs these holistic mind sets, mind sets which are enshrined with empathy, a long term view and which look at all the facets of the issue at hand and then devise a solution keeping the best interests in mind for all the stakeholders. And above that we must design these solutions with a view that they can outlast and keep themselves self sufficient, independent and ever growing, resilient to any outward or inward challenges. Adaptable, learning strategies and solutions!
In order to achieve that one must study the cause and effect of the various factors which are relevant to the issue at hand as well as study it from various and sometimes contradictory angles, to see all the various sides and facets of the topic and then to strive to solve these factors with imaginative, efficient and effective solutions which are innovative and creative as well as which can rise up to the occasion and face the calling of the times.
Once such solutions are designed they must be reviewed and tested with the help of other experts who can question and challenge the solutions and who help to prove the inherent strengths of these solutions and who help to hammer out the bumps and crinks within them so that a stronger, more resilient and more Sustainable solution emerges. One which will stay and endure. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Anna Anna goes to bed

My Daughter Roshni at 6 years of age has drawn and illustrated a children's story book and which we have now published on Amazon Kindle-

Please share and help to spread the word. A children's story written by a child. 😀👍

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Click 360 - virtual reality

Virtual Reality the next new big thing

Virtual reality seems to be the next new big or one of them :)

Here click from BBC makes a show filmed all in 360 degrees


Friday, April 1, 2016

Success stories to inspire: Bolsa Familia

Bolsa Familia

What is Bolsa Familia?

Bolsa Família (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈbowsɐ faˈmiliɐ], Family Allowance) is a social welfare program of the Brazilian government, part of the Fome Zero network of federal assistance programs. Bolsa Família provides financial aid to poor Brazilian families; if they have children, families must ensure that the children attend school and are vaccinated. The program attempts to both reduce short-term poverty by direct cash transfers and fight long-term poverty by increasing human capital among the poor through conditional cash transfers. It also works to give free education to children who cannot afford to go to school to show the importance of education.

The Economist described Bolsa Família as an "anti-poverty scheme invented in Latin America [which] is winning converts worldwide."

Brazil's Government Gives Money to Women Because 'They're More Reliable'

Success Stories of the program:

Questions from kids 3: do ants have bones?

Questions from kids 3: do ants have bones?
The answer is no, ants don’t have bones. Like other insects, an ant wears its skeleton on the outside, so it is called an exoskeleton. And it really isn’t made of bone but of a stuff called chitin. Since there are more kinds of insects than of any other group of animals, I guess we have to decide that most animals do not have bones. That may seem a surprise just because most of the big animals we see do have bones like ours.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Kung Fu Panda 3

Kung Fu Panda 3

Its all about Your Chi - Your Prana - Your Energy


Attitude is everything - 2 : the change is within

Some TED Talks: 

How to deal with harassment: Some useful Links

Attitude is everything

Attitude is everything 

Attitude and the right view point, the right thought.
The right thought leads to the right speech and to the right actions. One then with the proper thoughts is in harmony with all around him. This is also what the Lord Buddha spoke of as his first few guidelines from the 8 fold path. 
The right or proper and positive attitude also helps as it helps one to react favorably and properly towards others and towards the external environment. It helps one to react properly towards external stimuli by having the proper response to it. 
So the right thoughts, speech and actions coupled with the right attitude are very useful and good for a person.

But there are many people around the world in different places, different cultures who have neither the right or proper perspective or view point towards things, nor do they have the right attitude towards them. These could be towards other people, other sexes, other religions, other cultures. Basically towards differing ideas, opinions and beliefs. Poor viewpoints combined with a bad attitude and also some modicum of power or strength allows these misguided people from hurting or causing injustice to the "other" people. Several issues and problems occurring around the world stem from this cause. 

Self reflection, learning, travel, expanding the mind, tuning oneself more to ones true spiritual self, ones higher self, would help one in improving his viewpoint, his paradigm, his perspectives and his attitude. This ray of light would then enlighten not only the mind but also the life of that one and all those he comes into contact with. 

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Wonder Woman trailer

The Wonder Woman movie trailer - truely empowered woman

Questions from Kids 2: Why do Astronauts wear space suits

Another question from my 6 years old daughter was why do Astronauts wear space suits: 
Here are some videos we found which explain that :
Enjoy and have a Happy Easter

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Success stories to inspire: Micro Financing

Micro Financing

Microfinance is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services. Microfinance is also the idea that low-income individuals are capable of lifting themselves out of poverty if given access to financial services.

Some stories:

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” 
― Albert Einstein

Freedom -1

Freedom -1

The other day we saw around a dozen women all sitting together at a café, drinking all varieties of drinks and it looked like celebrating the birthday of one of them. It was such a pleasant sight , women of different ages (20s-50s) all mingling together, chatting and having a good time. Sometimes we are reminded that in several countries and cultures this kind of freedom is denied to people, especially to women. They have a role cut out for them to cook, clean and take care of the house, the kids but perhaps the only time they would mingle freely like this would be for a wedding under perhaps the scrutiny of some elder women and restricted in what they would be allowed to eat and especially drink. .
Societies, cultures and people differ from place to place, but one thing which comes up as a recurring theme is freedom. 

What does freedom mean to you?

What defines personal freedom, family freedom and group freedom?

This is how one dictionary defined freedom : 

Function: noun
1 a : the state of being free  : LIBERTY, INDEPENDENCEb : ability to move or act freely c : the state of being released from something usually unpleasant <freedom from care> d : the quality of being frank or open <answered with freedom> e : use without restriction <has the freedom of the house>
2 : a political right 

Can we also say its an individual's right or ability to do what he or she wants without harming the rights of others? 

What are the reasons these liberties are restricted around the world in many areas and for many times of people- harmless liberties- gathering to drink a toast to a young friend and to celebrate her birthday, freedom to express yourself openly, honestly and frankly. Freedom to live your life on your terms as long as you do not hurt or harm anyone else around you. 

A movie I saw recently had partially a theme on slavery, running through it. Its called Cloud Atlas and stars Tom Hanks and Hugh Grant in it amongst others. If I try to extrapolate what I learned watching this movie and remembering the law of karma, what you sow is what you will reap, I can now think that people whose freedom and liberties are now denied by some other people,  will in a future day have it, but may perhaps deny these freedoms to those who played the role of the deniers of their past freedoms. The slave being turned into the master and the master the slave. Life is sometimes strange and this premise may be true. 

Let us explore together this and other themes as we continue forward the blog, and explore other examples of what it means to be truely free in the world. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice : 11 Minutes Super Trailer

I cannot wait for Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice which should be released in the movie halls soon. Also it would feature the long awaited debut of Wonder Woman.

But here is a collection of the trailers which some fan has put together which is long enough (11 minutes) to satisfy and abate the wait with a first flavoured look.


Questions from Kids 1: How are Cars Built?

Yesterday my 6 years old daughter asked me about cars, how were cars made and what role do robots play in making them?

Here is a short video which I found and showed her on how it's done.
If you would be interested or if your children  have a similar question, it would be a good video to show to them:

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bushido - the way of the warrior

Bushido - the way of the warrior

Japanese samurai in armor, 1860s. Photograph by Felice Beato 
Bushidō(武士道?) literally meaning "the way of the warrior", is a Japanese word for the way of the samurai life, loosely analogous to the concept of chivalry in Europe.
The "way" itself originates from the samurai moral values, most commonly stressing some combination of frugalityloyaltymartial arts mastery, and honor until death. 
In today's world, we each of us is a warrior of sorts, each of us living life and handling various matters of life which are coming in our way, navigating life in a most specific way for each of us. We all try to make lemonade from the lemons life throws at us, as well as try to make the best of each situation that life brings to us. 
Yet Bushido is important. It is the way of the warrior, the warriors that we all are. It is in following the different codes and virtues, and having a certain style and finesse in achieving our goals or in the trying of it. In doing our yoga, and in carrying out our dharma. 

Eight virtues of Bushidō (as envisioned by Nitobe Inazo)Edit

The Bushidō code is typified by eight virtues:

Associated virtuesEdit

Each of us should aspire for the noble virtues and to lead a life of principles and honour, to follow the noble eight fold path and the golden rules (yang and yin)  - of which we shall speak of in later posts.

For now, my warrior - take it in your heart, win you will. You must. Its the how and with the style, honesty and nobility that you won, that you will be remembered and with which you will blaze your path of glory.

Success stories to inspire: Roti Bank

Here is the 1st of our set of success stories to inspire us all to have the good will and the will to do good with our precious lives :

To Persevere, learn and triumph.

To solve an issue we must learn about it and  to educate ourselves and learn about the various  facets of the issue and then to brain storm and find different solutions to it. We need to talk to several people about it and disover about how different ways can be used to solve that issue. When we use the different approaches, we will find that we have found a holistic, sustainable and beneficial solution feasible to implement and in the best interests of all those that are involved in that issue. Sometimes we are faced with personal issues or we see in the society around us complex societal questions which may seem very tough to solve, but if we take a calm breath and think, and persevere to solve it, often times we will surprise ourselves and we will at the minimum take a step nearer towards solving it and if we are lucky we will have found a way to tackle it which can serve as a best demonstrated practice (BDP) which can inspire others to solve the issue in the same way. We need to not give up but to rise to the occasion. And we need to inspire others, to not let them give up but to give them a helping hand that they too can rise up to the challenge and find a way to overcome against all odds. So we shall persevere, so we shall triumph.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The name of the blog, the URL

This post explains the name of the blog, actually that of the URL.
The source is mainly Wikipedia but it gives an idea of what is the essence of the creation. By the way : Rachna means creation.


Gaia (mythology)

In Greek mythology, Gaia (/ˈɡeɪ.ə/ or /ˈɡaɪ.ə/ from Ancient Greek Γαῖα, a poetical form of Γῆ Gē, "land" or "earth"; also spelled Gaea, was the personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe; the heavenly gods, the Titans, and the Giants were born to her. The gods reigning over their classical pantheon were born from her. Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra.

Gaia is the Earth is the belief that she is the spiritual embodiment of the earth, or the Goddess of the Earth.

A mother goddess is a goddess who represents, or is a personification of nature, motherhood, fertility, creation, destruction or who embodies the bounty of the Earth. When equated with the Earth or the natural world, such goddesses are sometimes referred to as Mother Earth or as the Earth Mother.

Many different goddesses have represented motherhood in one way or another, and some have been associated with the birth of humanity as a whole, along with the universe and everything in it. Others have represented the fertility of the earth.

Ātma is a Sanskrit word that means inner self or soul. In Hindu philosophy, especially in the Vedanta school of Hinduism, Ātman is the first principle, the true self of an individual beyond identification with phenomena, the essence of an individual. In order to attain liberation, a human being must acquire self-knowledge (atma jnana), which is to realize that one's true self (Ātma) is identical with the transcendent self Brahman.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Philosophy and Human Needs

Philosophy is an interesting and important science, it seems where Mathematics ends, philosophy starts. 
But to be truely philosophical or mathematical one needs to be fairly well placed on Maslows pyramid of hierarchy of needs. For the needy this is perhaps just intellectual extravagance. 

Ask yourself: how many people you know for whom this is extravagant and for whom this is really food for thought. 

Here is another take:

Know thyself - know others

Sometimes all it takes is a little understanding and a deeper insight into the perspectives of women to know what are the reasons that they will suffer through adversity and will continue to bear injustice when they could find a way out. Empowering these women is everyone's business since when you raise a section of the populace out of misery you also open the doors for more people to be raised out of misery. You bring justice to others as well as justice to your own reason for being. You generate good karma for yourselves. Here is an interesting read on Indian women's perspectives:

Our aim through this blog is to give an insight into various facets and discuss several thema linked to the planet Earth (Gaia) and to try to reach an understanding of its several dynamics and layers. We encourage you to share your views and your insights, experiences and stories to help broaden the experience for everyone. May light shine into all our lives. Let there be LIGHT.