Tuesday, March 15, 2016

To Persevere, learn and triumph.

To solve an issue we must learn about it and  to educate ourselves and learn about the various  facets of the issue and then to brain storm and find different solutions to it. We need to talk to several people about it and disover about how different ways can be used to solve that issue. When we use the different approaches, we will find that we have found a holistic, sustainable and beneficial solution feasible to implement and in the best interests of all those that are involved in that issue. Sometimes we are faced with personal issues or we see in the society around us complex societal questions which may seem very tough to solve, but if we take a calm breath and think, and persevere to solve it, often times we will surprise ourselves and we will at the minimum take a step nearer towards solving it and if we are lucky we will have found a way to tackle it which can serve as a best demonstrated practice (BDP) which can inspire others to solve the issue in the same way. We need to not give up but to rise to the occasion. And we need to inspire others, to not let them give up but to give them a helping hand that they too can rise up to the challenge and find a way to overcome against all odds. So we shall persevere, so we shall triumph.

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