Saturday, March 26, 2016

Attitude is everything

Attitude is everything 

Attitude and the right view point, the right thought.
The right thought leads to the right speech and to the right actions. One then with the proper thoughts is in harmony with all around him. This is also what the Lord Buddha spoke of as his first few guidelines from the 8 fold path. 
The right or proper and positive attitude also helps as it helps one to react favorably and properly towards others and towards the external environment. It helps one to react properly towards external stimuli by having the proper response to it. 
So the right thoughts, speech and actions coupled with the right attitude are very useful and good for a person.

But there are many people around the world in different places, different cultures who have neither the right or proper perspective or view point towards things, nor do they have the right attitude towards them. These could be towards other people, other sexes, other religions, other cultures. Basically towards differing ideas, opinions and beliefs. Poor viewpoints combined with a bad attitude and also some modicum of power or strength allows these misguided people from hurting or causing injustice to the "other" people. Several issues and problems occurring around the world stem from this cause. 

Self reflection, learning, travel, expanding the mind, tuning oneself more to ones true spiritual self, ones higher self, would help one in improving his viewpoint, his paradigm, his perspectives and his attitude. This ray of light would then enlighten not only the mind but also the life of that one and all those he comes into contact with. 

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