Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bushido - the way of the warrior

Bushido - the way of the warrior

Japanese samurai in armor, 1860s. Photograph by Felice Beato 
Bushidō(武士道?) literally meaning "the way of the warrior", is a Japanese word for the way of the samurai life, loosely analogous to the concept of chivalry in Europe.
The "way" itself originates from the samurai moral values, most commonly stressing some combination of frugalityloyaltymartial arts mastery, and honor until death. 
In today's world, we each of us is a warrior of sorts, each of us living life and handling various matters of life which are coming in our way, navigating life in a most specific way for each of us. We all try to make lemonade from the lemons life throws at us, as well as try to make the best of each situation that life brings to us. 
Yet Bushido is important. It is the way of the warrior, the warriors that we all are. It is in following the different codes and virtues, and having a certain style and finesse in achieving our goals or in the trying of it. In doing our yoga, and in carrying out our dharma. 

Eight virtues of Bushidō (as envisioned by Nitobe Inazo)Edit

The Bushidō code is typified by eight virtues:

Associated virtuesEdit

Each of us should aspire for the noble virtues and to lead a life of principles and honour, to follow the noble eight fold path and the golden rules (yang and yin)  - of which we shall speak of in later posts.

For now, my warrior - take it in your heart, win you will. You must. Its the how and with the style, honesty and nobility that you won, that you will be remembered and with which you will blaze your path of glory.

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