Thursday, July 28, 2016


Sustainability is needed in processes. Sustainability which can drive that what you now design and make is strong enough to survive over the period of time that it can serve and do justice till it is needed in the world. Sustainability which can be from holistic processes and procedures and policies which can be enforceable, feasible and efficient. Be they in the business, economic, developmental or societal and human sphere of activity. 
When something is designed and it has within it the seeds to outshine and to grow and develop and evolve like a giant oak tree, it has the features of endurance, durability, resilience and strength and also more importantly the attributes of flexibility and adaptability. These qualities make a thing great. Learning qualities, which help that thing to be incorruptible and driven to outlast the vicissitudes of change and attrition. 
When we are in the process of designing such policies and solutions we must endeavour to bring to our designs these holistic mind sets, mind sets which are enshrined with empathy, a long term view and which look at all the facets of the issue at hand and then devise a solution keeping the best interests in mind for all the stakeholders. And above that we must design these solutions with a view that they can outlast and keep themselves self sufficient, independent and ever growing, resilient to any outward or inward challenges. Adaptable, learning strategies and solutions!
In order to achieve that one must study the cause and effect of the various factors which are relevant to the issue at hand as well as study it from various and sometimes contradictory angles, to see all the various sides and facets of the topic and then to strive to solve these factors with imaginative, efficient and effective solutions which are innovative and creative as well as which can rise up to the occasion and face the calling of the times.
Once such solutions are designed they must be reviewed and tested with the help of other experts who can question and challenge the solutions and who help to prove the inherent strengths of these solutions and who help to hammer out the bumps and crinks within them so that a stronger, more resilient and more Sustainable solution emerges. One which will stay and endure. 

1 comment:

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