Saturday, March 19, 2016

Freedom -1

Freedom -1

The other day we saw around a dozen women all sitting together at a café, drinking all varieties of drinks and it looked like celebrating the birthday of one of them. It was such a pleasant sight , women of different ages (20s-50s) all mingling together, chatting and having a good time. Sometimes we are reminded that in several countries and cultures this kind of freedom is denied to people, especially to women. They have a role cut out for them to cook, clean and take care of the house, the kids but perhaps the only time they would mingle freely like this would be for a wedding under perhaps the scrutiny of some elder women and restricted in what they would be allowed to eat and especially drink. .
Societies, cultures and people differ from place to place, but one thing which comes up as a recurring theme is freedom. 

What does freedom mean to you?

What defines personal freedom, family freedom and group freedom?

This is how one dictionary defined freedom : 

Function: noun
1 a : the state of being free  : LIBERTY, INDEPENDENCEb : ability to move or act freely c : the state of being released from something usually unpleasant <freedom from care> d : the quality of being frank or open <answered with freedom> e : use without restriction <has the freedom of the house>
2 : a political right 

Can we also say its an individual's right or ability to do what he or she wants without harming the rights of others? 

What are the reasons these liberties are restricted around the world in many areas and for many times of people- harmless liberties- gathering to drink a toast to a young friend and to celebrate her birthday, freedom to express yourself openly, honestly and frankly. Freedom to live your life on your terms as long as you do not hurt or harm anyone else around you. 

A movie I saw recently had partially a theme on slavery, running through it. Its called Cloud Atlas and stars Tom Hanks and Hugh Grant in it amongst others. If I try to extrapolate what I learned watching this movie and remembering the law of karma, what you sow is what you will reap, I can now think that people whose freedom and liberties are now denied by some other people,  will in a future day have it, but may perhaps deny these freedoms to those who played the role of the deniers of their past freedoms. The slave being turned into the master and the master the slave. Life is sometimes strange and this premise may be true. 

Let us explore together this and other themes as we continue forward the blog, and explore other examples of what it means to be truely free in the world. 

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