Sunday, March 13, 2016

Know thyself - know others

Sometimes all it takes is a little understanding and a deeper insight into the perspectives of women to know what are the reasons that they will suffer through adversity and will continue to bear injustice when they could find a way out. Empowering these women is everyone's business since when you raise a section of the populace out of misery you also open the doors for more people to be raised out of misery. You bring justice to others as well as justice to your own reason for being. You generate good karma for yourselves. Here is an interesting read on Indian women's perspectives:

Our aim through this blog is to give an insight into various facets and discuss several thema linked to the planet Earth (Gaia) and to try to reach an understanding of its several dynamics and layers. We encourage you to share your views and your insights, experiences and stories to help broaden the experience for everyone. May light shine into all our lives. Let there be LIGHT. 

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