Friday, April 1, 2016

Success stories to inspire: Bolsa Familia

Bolsa Familia

What is Bolsa Familia?

Bolsa Família (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈbowsɐ faˈmiliɐ], Family Allowance) is a social welfare program of the Brazilian government, part of the Fome Zero network of federal assistance programs. Bolsa Família provides financial aid to poor Brazilian families; if they have children, families must ensure that the children attend school and are vaccinated. The program attempts to both reduce short-term poverty by direct cash transfers and fight long-term poverty by increasing human capital among the poor through conditional cash transfers. It also works to give free education to children who cannot afford to go to school to show the importance of education.

The Economist described Bolsa Família as an "anti-poverty scheme invented in Latin America [which] is winning converts worldwide."

Brazil's Government Gives Money to Women Because 'They're More Reliable'

Success Stories of the program:

1 comment:

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